Allard X Benoit: exceptional 4-hand dinner

On Thursdays July 4 and 11, the two bistros Allard and Benoit Paris join forces to offer you two exceptional four-hands dinners.

For the occasion, our young Chefs Lisa Desforges (Allard) and Kelly Jolivet (Benoit) have created two menus that brilliantly celebrate bistro cuisine, a symbol of French gastronomy, while adding a contemporary touch.

Born of their immense complicity, these menus invite you to (re)discover the sincere, generous local cuisine so dear to the hearts of our Chefs.

To enhance the experience, each dish will be accompanied by wines carefully selected by our Executive Chef Sommelier, Bernard Neveu, and a refined cocktail concocted by our Cocktail Chef Margot Combat!


Menu for Thursday, July 4th 2024 – at Allard

Beef cheek ravioli, spicy broth

Cucumber soup with gold caviar

Small spelt cookpot, primavera vegetables

Zucchini flower stuffed with lobster, lobster reduction

Turbot confit, chard greens and whites, cooking juices

Sautéed veal sweetbreads, artichokes en barigoule

Profiteroles, hot chocolate sauce

Peach Melba


Dinner menu for July 4, 2024 – Chez Allard

135 € per person (excluding drinks)

220 € per person (with wine pairing)


Allard X Benoit, cocktail Bellini  Fleurs-de-courgettes-farcies-au-homard-bleu-homardine-rafraichie  Cookpot-de-petit-epeautre-legumes-primavera  Ris-de-veau-au-sautoir-artichauts-poivrade-et-condiment-romaine


Menu for Thursday, July 11, 2024 – at Benoit Paris

Burgundy snails, garlic purée, parsley

Paté en croûte Benoit

Fricassee of chanterelles, candied egg yolk, Beaufort emulsion

Pan-fried duck foie gras, roasted peach and dolce forte

Roasted monkfish, spring garnish and pod jus

Beef Wellington

Profiteroles, hot chocolate sauce

Fontainebleau with strawberries and tagetes


July 11, 2024 dinner menu – Chez Benoit Paris

135 € per person (drinks not included)

220 € per person (with wine pairing)


Esacrgot-de-Bourgogne-puree-dail-persil_-Benoit-x-Allard  Benoit X Allard : dîner à 4 mains  Fois-gras-de-canard-poele-peche-rotie-et-dolce-forte  Boeuf-Wellington


Book now - Allard Book now - Benoit Paris