The best profiteroles in Paris

Profiterole is undoubtedly one of the most characteristic desserts of Parisian bistros. One of its first appearances in pastry books is in Antonin Carême’s Le cuisinier royal parisien (The Royal Parisian Cook), published in 1828.
Charlotte Bringant enthuses: “It’s a wonderful dessert: it’s very tempting, very authentic, it pleases a lot. And in addition, as it is quite technical, it is very interesting to prepare”. In fact, the profiterole subtly plays on the contrast of cold ice cream and hot chocolate sauce.
Charlotte’s interpretation of this classic is simply irresistible. The ice cream comes from Alain Ducasse’s Manufacture de glace. It is an ice cream made with three vanillas: from Mexico for its hint of peppery taste, from Tahiti for its sweetness and the Pompana from Madagascar for its finesse. While the classic assembly consists of putting the ice cream in the puff, here it is presented on the side. The puff is filled with a crème diplomate, that is to say a crème pâtissière to which whipped cream is incorporated to make it more airy. And finally, the chocolate sauce. To make it, Charlotte chose the 75% dark chocolate from Alain Ducasse’s Manufacture de chocolat, which she softens with a hint of milk to give it more roundness while retaining all of its personality.
No wonder these profiteroles were named among the Best Profiteroles in Paris by Le Figaroscope (March 1, 2022)!
See the article (in French)